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Post-Verification is the Action which results from positive verification within your Widget. If you're new to Widgets, we recommend reading Getting Started.

Action Overview

Action is what occurs after an Applicant has positively verified. You can think of your Action as the primary goal of verification. For e-commerce retailers, typically the primary goal is to release a discount code. For a more customized setup, the primary goal of verification might be to tag the Applicant's internal account as verified, and then apply some custom functionality.

Only one Action is allowed per Widget. Every Widget should have a single Action (i.e. primary goal), with everything else being secondary. For example, if an e-commerce retailer wishes to release a discount code and subsequently tag the customer account as verified, they would use a discount code Action, and setup a Webhook to tag the account.

Discount Code: Same to everyone

This Action releases the same discount code to all verified Applicants, and is the most widely supported across nearly every e-commerce platform. For a merchant testing out VerifyPass, but is not using Shopify or BigCommerce, this Action allows a merchant to be up and running in moments.

To use this method, you would simply create a single discount code within your e-commerce platform, then copy/paste it to the Discount Code box within this Action. For more information on creating discount codes within your e-commerce platform, you'll need to consult with your e-commerce platform provider.

Discount Code: Unique (CSV)

This Action releases unique discount codes to verified Applicants. To utilize this Action, you'll need to visit your e-commerce platform and generate a batch of discount codes in CSV format. If you are unsure how to do this, you'll need to consult with either your developer, or your e-commerce platform provider.

After uploading at least 100 codes, VerifyPass will release these codes individually to verified Applicants. Each code will only be released once. Within your e-commerce platform settings, you should set the limit usage of each code to 1. This protects a code from being shared to a coupon-sharing website, social media, or similar.

Upon reaching 15% codes remaining, VerifyPass will e-mail your Account E-Mail a low-codes notification. There will not be an additional notification until codes have fully depleted. It is important to replenish your codes when you receive the running low notification.

When you add more codes, you can opt to either Add to the remaining codes, or Replace the remaining codes. You may upload up to 10,000 unique codes per upload. You may have a maximum of 100,000 codes uploaded to VerifyPass.

Discount Code: Unique (URL) Requires Developer

This Action fetches a unique discount code from a URL endpoint you build. Since this requires programming, this option is not recommended for those without access to a developer.

Upon Applicant verification, VerifyPass will send a cURL request to the URL specified. VerifyPass requires the following response:

    "discount_code": "your-discount-code"

Failure to receive the approprate JSON response will result in an error logged within your Activity.

For security, VerifyPass will include your API Key in a request header, to be validated on your side prior to generating the code. VerifyPass will also include the Applicant e-mail, first and last name, and verified community, as you may consider this data when generating a code.

The below code can be used (in MacOS Bash, Postman or similar) to test your URL:

curl --request POST ''
--header 'X-VFYPS-Key: your-api-key'
--header 'X-VFYPS-Email:'
--header 'X-VFYPS-First-Name: John'
--header 'X-VFYPS-Last-Name: Smith'
--header 'X-VFYPS-Community-Key: mil'
--header 'X-VFYPS-Community-Title: Military'

Discount Code: Unique (BigCommerce) Requires BigCommerce Integration

This Action creates a unique, single-use discount code to your BigCommerce store. Within your VerifyPass widget, you may modify common configuration options, such as the type of discount (percent or fixed), amount of the discount, and the categories the discount codes may apply to.

Discount Code: Unique (Shopify) Requires Shopify Integration

This Action creates a unique, single-use discount code to your Shopify store. Within your VerifyPass widget, you may modify common configuration options, such as the type of discount (percent or fixed), amount of the discount, and the collection the discount codes may apply to.

This works by creating a Price Rule, or a "group of discount codes" within your Shopify store. The title of this group is VerifyPass (do not delete), but you may modify it within Shopify if desired. This group can be found by visiting Shopify → Discounts and searching VerifyPass.

Additionally, if there are discount settings you need to modify which aren't displayed in your widget options, you may edit this group directly within Shopify. However, there are certain settings which will break the discount. For example, some merchants have set an expiration date 2 days in the future hoping to create urgency for customers, when in fact this option disabled the entire group of discounts after that date. When in doubt about a setting, please contact our support team for guidance.

Account Tag: in addition to releasing a discount code, enabling this option will tag the customer's account after verification. Two tags are applied: verifypass and community_title. This will create an account for the customer if it doesn't yet exist.

Custom Requires Webhook

This Action does nothing except provide a message to the verified Applicant. It is mandatory you integrate with a Webhook to customize your desired functionality. Note that you may insert your Applicant's e-mail to the message by using {EMAIL} within the message.

With this Action, your options are endless. Here are some example scenarios:

  • An e-commerce company prefers not to use discount codes. Instead, they set up their website to automatically apply discounts to logged-in, tagged accounts. Verification is made available from a page within the customer's account. Their Post-Verification Message to the customer states "Your account is verified as Military! You may now begin shopping with discounts automatically applied. You must be logged in to view the discounts." After verification, they capture the VerifyPass webhook to tag the account.
  • An exclusive app for homeschooling parents requires new members to verify their status prior to accessing certain parts of the app. They capture the Webhook to tag the account, and display "Your homeschool status has been verified, and restrictions have been removed".
  • An e-ticketing vendor has certain events who offer discounted tickets to Military. The vendor captures the Webhook, and tags the customer account. They display "Your account has been verified as Military", then automatically display/apply discounts to the appropriate events.

Custom (Shopify) Requires Shopify Integration Requires 3rd Party App or Developer

This Action does nothing except tag the customer account. It is crucial you provide some form of functionality based on customer tag. This can be accomplished by either a 3rd party app, or a developer. Note that you may insert your Applicant's e-mail to the message by using {EMAIL} within the message.

Typically, you would place a conditional button to verify somewhere within a customer's account page. But you could also make the page forward-facing (linked from the header or footer), as VerifyPass will create (and tag) the customer account if it doesn't exist. After a customer account is tagged, your options are endless.

Here are some common scenarios:

  • Use Shopacado to offer automatic discounts based on customer tag.
  • Use Locksmith to only display certain pages to tagged accounts.
  • Instruct your development team to integrate a more customized solution, depending on your goals.

Although these are only examples, your options are endless. VerifyPass will tag the account, and your Shopify store will handle the rest.

Why doesn't VerifyPass provide customized functionality beyond tagging the customer account?

It would be impossible for VerifyPass to match the functionality of dozens (or hundreds) of high-quality Shopify apps. Automatic discounting of products, for example, is a complex application to build and maintain. And because VerifyPass is a verification company, it would only account for a tiny fraction of the functionality VerifyPass provides. For this reason, VerifyPass handles verification, while what happens after verification is handled by an app which specializes in that functionality.