Consumer | Business


This tab contains settings which are not common for most businesses, but enable a greater control of functionality over your Widget.

Applicant Cache Period

Controls how often the same Applicant is able to complete verification. When using discount codes, it is highly recommended to leave this option at a lower interval—ideally 1 Day or 1 Week. You don't want to stop a good customer from completing a second order, but also must prevent an eligible customer with poor intentions from farming hundreds of discount codes.

When using a discount code Action, a returning customer will receive the same code they previously received, unless this period has expired. In which case, a new code will be generated.

For businesses not using discount codes, for reasons such as tagging an internal business account, it is generally recommended to set this to Once Ever (Permanent Cache). Once an account is tagged, there is no reason for this Action to be re-triggered. But, in some cases it may be, so give careful thought to your custom implementation.

Expedited Verification

Assuming their respective Community has not expired, this allows Applicants to be verified by entering their information as a match of the last time they used VerifyPass. For example, if has already verified with VerifyPass, and he enters all his information correctly to match the initial verification, this feature allows him to complete verification without first confirming his e-mail. However, this exposes some small risk that someone who has the correct information (name, e-mail, date of birth) could verify on John's behalf.

In the scenario above, setting this option to Disabled would require John to verify his e-mail prior to completing verification. Note that new Applicants—those who have not used VerifyPass previously—are not required to verify their e-mail when initially applying.


Mode determines how your Widget should operate. Most businesses will remain in Normal, while those running custom integrations will often choose Private.

If you're working on a new Widget (such as to replace an old one), we recommend placing the Widget in Development to ensure no Applicants find it by mistake. If you need to pause verification temporarily, switch to Paused. Note that Paused does not stop Applicants who have already submitted documents from completing verification, and it does not pause your normal billing cycle.

  Allows Applicants Allows Testing Appears on website
Normal Yes Yes Yes
Private Yes Yes No
Development No Yes No
Paused No No No
Require Applicant Token Requires Developer Disables Verification

This will fully disable verification except to Applicants who have an Applicant Token in their URL. Applicant Tokens are generated via the Applicant Token API prior to sending an Applicant to VerifyPass for verification.

Title Override

Most businesses don't need to edit this section. Default Widget titles are intuitive for Applicants to understand.

For example, if you have enabled Military and First Responder in your Widget, then selected a discount code Action, your Widget title will default to Military & First Responder Discount.

In some cases, you might want to take further control over this appearance, by changing the name to Appreciation Program, or similar. Don't add your business name to this field, or it will appear twice in some places (i.e. Company Company Discounts).

Webhook URL

To set a global webhook for all Widgets, use a Webhook Connection. If you need a Webhook specific to your Widget, this is the place to enter it.

If you create both Webhooks with identical URLs (one Widget-specific and the other global by using an Integration), your webhook will not be fired twice. If you need a webhook to the same URL to be fired twice, you may use a URL parameter to prevent the URLs from matching.

For more information on getting started with a Webhook, check out the Webhook documentation.