Consumer | Business

Military Verification

Active Duty, Veterans & Retirees

Category: Discounts

How we verify

Military and Veterans are verified using a combination of digital data, including public and private resources, documents, and e-mail verification.

By Document

  • DD-214 or DD-256
  • LES, DFAS or TRICARE Document
  • ID Card
  • USAA / NFCU Document
  • Driver's License w/ Veteran Mark
  • G.I. Bill Document
  • Discount Card

By E-Mail

There are 4 e-mail domains or domain groups associated with this Community. For example, an Applicant may verify using

Returning Applicants

Military and Veterans who have previously verified are not required to re-verify their status.


Military verification is available to all businesses using VerifyPass.


Businesses verifying Military and Veterans often verify others from the Discounts communities.

What happens after verification?

VerifyPass provides tools to accommodate a variety of use-cases.

Release a Discount

Choose from a Single Code or Unique Codes, uploaded directly to your verification Widget.

Tag an Account

Unlock benefits by tagging Applicant accounts after verification, taking full control of their experience.


Sync your verification via a Webhook, and we'll show a custom message to the Applicant. You take it from there.

In today's digital age, businesses across various industries strive to honor and support members of the military community by offering exclusive discounts, promotions, and services tailored specifically for them. This demographic includes active duty service members, veterans, and retirees who have dedicated years of their lives in service to their country. Consequently, ensuring the authenticity of an individual's military status becomes paramount for organizations looking to provide these exclusive offerings. Military verification services like VerifyPass play a crucial role in this ecosystem by enabling businesses to accurately and efficiently validate the military credentials of their customers.

Military verification offers a unique blend of benefits for both businesses and the military community. For businesses, it is not just about preventing fraudulent claims and safeguarding their exclusive offers; it's also an opportunity to build trust and loyalty among one of the most respected communities in the country. On the other hand, for military members, veterans, and their families, it provides a seamless method to access benefits and discounts without the need to repeatedly provide proof of service. This balance of convenience and security is what makes military verification a critical service in today's market.

Retail and E-commerce

One of the primary industries that can significantly benefit from military verification services is retail and e-commerce. Many retail businesses wish to show appreciation to military members through exclusive discounts or promotional offers. However, without a reliable method of verification, these offers can easily be abused by non-eligible individuals. Implementing a verification system through VerifyPass ensures that only qualified members of the military community can access these special deals, thereby maintaining the integrity of the program and ensuring that the gesture of thanks reaches its intended audience.

Travel and Hospitality

The travel and hospitality industry is another sector where military verification can add immense value. Many airlines, hotels, and rental services offer special rates and conditions for military personnel. With VerifyPass, these businesses can streamline the verification process, enabling military members to easily prove their eligibility for discounts and promotions. This not only enhances customer satisfaction among military personnel but also positions the company as a preferred choice for those who serve or have served in the military.

Financial Services

Financial institutions often provide special offers, such as reduced fees and rates for loans and credit cards, to members of the military. VerifyPass can assist banks, credit unions, and other financial services in validating the military status of their customers. By seamlessly integrating military verification into their application processes, these institutions can ensure that their exclusive offers are protected and only made available to eligible individuals, thereby fostering a strong relationship with the military community.


Educational institutions and online course providers can also leverage military verification to offer special tuition rates, scholarships, and exclusive educational programs to service members and veterans. This not only honors their service but also encourages lifelong learning within the military community. VerifyPass enables schools and e-learning platforms to verify military status quickly and accurately, ensuring that these educational benefits are allocated fairly and to the rightful recipients.

Entertainment and Leisure

Entertainment venues, theme parks, and leisure service providers often offer special discounts and access privileges to military personnel and their families. By incorporating military verification through VerifyPass, these businesses can easily manage eligibility for such offers, enhancing the experience for military customers while showing appreciation for their service. This fosters goodwill and potentially increases repeat business from the military community.

Professional Services

Software and professional service providers can also benefit from implementing military verification. Many tech companies offer special pricing or products designed to assist military members and veterans either in their professional lives or in transitioning to civilian careers. VerifyPass facilitates the secure and efficient verification of military status, enabling these companies to offer their support and services directly to those who have served.

The application of military verification services spans across multiple industries, each with its unique set of benefits and opportunities to support the military community. VerifyPass stands at the forefront of this space, offering a robust solution that harmonizes the needs of businesses and military personnel alike. By streamlining the verification process, VerifyPass not only helps in preventing fraud and ensuring that exclusive offers reach their intended audience but also plays a significant role in strengthening the bonds between the military community and the private sector.

The importance of such verification services cannot be overstated, as they allow for a tangible expression of gratitude towards those who have served, while also providing businesses with a means to engage with and support the military community in a meaningful and impactful manner. As industries continue to evolve and look for ways to give back to those who have served, military verification will undoubtedly remain a critical tool in ensuring these efforts are both effective and secure.