Consumer | Business

Custom Communities

We verify 98 Standard Communities, but the one you want isn't there. You're in the right place.

1. Request the Community

Contact us at with details on who you'd like to verify. We'll review your request, and get back to you with an answer.

2. VerifyPass Integration

We'll send you an invoice for a prepayment of $299, which applies as a credit on your account. After, we'll build your Community within 1-2 days.

3. Community is ready to use

After your Community is built, it will be assigned to your account and appear within your Widgets under the Custom tab of your Eligibility configuration.

What exactly is a Custom Community?

A Custom Community is a verifiable group, but too niche to appear in our 98 Standard Communities.

How do you determine if a Community should be Custom?

If you have a great idea for a Standard Community, we'd love to hear it! If a community is too focused to be used by another business, that's when we'll create a Custom Community, which will be unique to your account.

If you add my Community as Standard, is there a fee?

No. In fact, we'd much rather add your request as a Standard Community because it expands the breadth of our products. Custom Communities are a product we provide in order to accommodate edge cases.

What makes a Community verifiable?

An community is verifiable if applicants can prove it with unique, personal documents, not easily accessible to non-eligible persons. In some cases, possession of unique e-mail domains can also serve as sufficient proof.

What makes a Community non-verifiable?

A non-verifiable community is a group of people who have no tangible way to prove their belonging to the group, either via unique personal documents, or through access to a certain e-mail. For example, we can't verify if someone loves dogs. But we could verify someone is a dog owner, provided they have a copy of their adoption certificate, or a recent vet bill.

What is the cost of creating a Custom Community?

A $299 prepayment applies as a credit on your account, so there is no charge if you retain VerifyPass long enough to consume $299 worth of our service.

Can I create a Custom Community during my trial?

Yes, you can! However, the $299 prepayment is nonrefundable in the event you terminate your trial.

Our Community

How can we verify your customers?


Years Verifying


Business Clients

