Consumer | Business

Activity & Insights

Activity and Insights tabs provide details on Applicants who have successfully completed verification via one of your Widgets. You can view (and export) certain data from your verified Applicant, such as their name, e-mail and verified Community.

Searching for Applicants

Occasionally, Applicants may contact you for details on their verification. Rarely, Applicants can experience confusion due to e-mail filters resulting in failed deliveries, or typos in an e-mail address.

The search bar will allow you to search verified Applicants by e-mail and last name.

In the event your Applicant isn't found, it means they haven't yet completed verification under the provided e-mail. The correct course of action is then to direct your Applicant to your verification Widget.

Filtering by date ranges

This limits results to the dates specified. These dates are the times the actual verification itself was completed. Additional insights, such as what time a document was uploaded (or a verification e-mail were sent) are not available.

Filtering by Widget or Community

Selecting either of the Widget or Community dropdowns will restrict results to their respective filter. Note that only Widgets and Communities with at least 1 verification will appear in these filters.


By default, all results load within your browser. However, verification results may also be exported to a .csv file. Often, these results can be used for re-target marketing or changing CMS platforms.

Note: when exporting Activity, verifications are not limited to those which appear in your browser. A .csv Format export will export the entire eligible history of verifications.


The Insights tab is designed to give you a high-level view of Activity by common grouping scenarios. For example, an e-commerce merchant may wish to view their YoY growth to measure the success of the program against their own sales data. Alternatively, a company running promotions for multiple Communities may wish to view the popularity of each Community to gauge where to allocate advertising resources.

If the Insights tab doesn't provide the exact report you're looking for, the Activity tab is an excellent way to generate your own custom report by utilizing the Filters button. Total counts are provided at the bottom of the Activity tab.