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Federal Firearms License Verification

Holders of a Federal Firearms License

Category: Credentials & Certifications

How we verify

FFL Holders are verified using a combination of digital data, including public and private resources, documents, and e-mail verification.

By Document

Applicants are instructed: Upload a copy of your current Federal Firearms License and government-issued ID. Try to include them in the same image, when possible. The application is reviewed by VerifyPass within minutes.

By E-Mail

There are no unique e-mail domains or domain groups associated with FFL Holders.

Returning Applicants

FFL Holders who have previously verified are not required to re-verify for 1 month.


Federal Firearms License verification is available to all businesses using VerifyPass.


Businesses verifying FFL Holders often verify others from the Credentials & Certifications communities.

What happens after verification?

VerifyPass provides tools to accommodate a variety of use-cases.

Release a Discount

Choose from a Single Code or Unique Codes, uploaded directly to your verification Widget.

Tag an Account

Unlock benefits by tagging Applicant accounts after verification, taking full control of their experience.


Sync your verification via a Webhook, and we'll show a custom message to the Applicant. You take it from there.

In the complex landscape of firearm sales and transfers, one critical component that stands above others in ensuring the legality and safety of these transactions is the verification of Federal Firearms Licenses (FFLs). VerifyPass stands at the forefront of this crucial service, offering unparalleled identity verification solutions for FFL holders. This verification is not only a regulatory requirement but also an essential step in safeguarding all parties involved in the transaction from potential legal pitfalls and ensuring that firearms are only transferred between legally authorized entities.

The importance of FFL verification transcends simple regulatory compliance. It acts as a foundational pillar in the architecture of trust and safety that supports the entire firearms industry. From manufacturers and wholesalers to retailers and individual sellers, the assurance that one is dealing with a verified FFL holder streamlines processes, mitigates legal risks, and fosters an environment of professional integrity and accountability.

Why VerifyPass for FFL Verification?
VerifyPass's FFL verification service is not merely a tool but a comprehensive solution that integrates seamlessly into businesses' websites, offering a frictionless verification experience. The service caters to various scenarios and use cases across the industry spectrum, ensuring that every transaction involving firearms adheres to the highest standards of legality and safety.

Manufacturers and Wholesalers
The backbone of the firearms industry, manufacturers and wholesalers, have an inherent need to confirm the legitimacy of the retailers or individuals they are doing business with. VerifyPass's service streamlines this verification process, ensuring that sales are only made to verified FFL holders, thereby adhering to strict regulatory requirements and minimizing the risk of legal complications.

For retailers, the imperative to verify FFL holders becomes critical in transactions that involve shipping firearms to other dealers, or when acquiring inventory from wholesalers or manufacturers. The VerifyPass solution empowers retailers with the ability to instantly verify the identity and license status of their suppliers, ensuring that every transaction is legal and above board.

Online Sales and Marketplaces
The rise of online sales and marketplaces has revolutionized the way firearms are bought and sold, emphasizing the need for robust FFL verification mechanisms. VerifyPass enables e-commerce platforms to integrate FFL verification directly into their online checkout processes, providing customers with assurance and trust, while ensuring that sellers are legally authorized to engage in the transaction.

Auction Houses
Auction houses that deal in firearms, whether through live auctions or online platforms, face unique challenges in verifying the FFL status of both buyers and sellers. VerifyPass's service addresses these challenges head-on, enabling auction houses to facilitate legal transfers of firearm ownership seamlessly, and maintaining the integrity of their auctions.

Firearms Training Facilities
Firearms training facilities, which occasionally facilitate the sale or transfer of firearms to students or instructors, must also ensure these transactions comply with federal regulations. By leveraging VerifyPass's FFL verification service, training centers can easily confirm the FFL status of parties involved, ensuring that all transactions are conducted legally and safely.

Individuals and Private Sellers
Even private sellers, who occasionally sell firearms from their personal collections, can benefit from VerifyPass's FFL verification service. Whether selling to another individual across state lines or through a consignment at a local gun store, verifying the FFL status of the transaction's intermediary ensures compliance and peace of mind.

VerifyPass’s identity verification service is a critical tool in the arsenal of businesses and individuals within the firearms industry, offering a streamlined, secure, and compliant way to conduct transactions. With a broad range of applications across various sectors of the industry, from manufacturing to private sales, VerifyPass is revolutionizing the way FFL verifications are handled, ensuring safety, legality, and trust are always at the forefront of every transaction.