Consumer | Business

Concealed Carry Verification

Holders of a Concealed Carry Permit

Category: Credentials & Certifications

How we verify

CCW/CCP Holders are verified using a combination of digital data, including public and private resources, documents, and e-mail verification.

By Document

Applicants are instructed: You may complete verification with a copy of your Concealed Carry Permit and Government ID. Please include your Government ID in the same image, when possible. The application is reviewed by VerifyPass within minutes.

By E-Mail

There are no unique e-mail domains or domain groups associated with CCW/CCP Holders.

Returning Applicants

CCW/CCP Holders who have previously verified are not required to re-verify for 3 years.


Concealed Carry verification is available to all businesses using VerifyPass.


Businesses verifying CCW/CCP Holders often verify others from the Credentials & Certifications communities.

What happens after verification?

VerifyPass provides tools to accommodate a variety of use-cases.

Release a Discount

Choose from a Single Code or Unique Codes, uploaded directly to your verification Widget.

Tag an Account

Unlock benefits by tagging Applicant accounts after verification, taking full control of their experience.


Sync your verification via a Webhook, and we'll show a custom message to the Applicant. You take it from there.

In the modern world where safety and trust are paramount, the verification of Concealed Carry Permits (CCP) or Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) holders becomes an essential layer of security. VerifyPass emerges as an innovative solution tailored for businesses across diverse industries, aiming to streamline the process of identity and permit verification for CCP holders. This article delves into the multifaceted scenarios and use-cases where businesses can leverage VerifyPass to enhance their security protocols, customer trust, and compliance with legal requirements.

E-commerce and Retail
One significant segment that stands to gain from CCP verification is the e-commerce and retail sector, especially for businesses dealing in firearms, ammunition, and other related accessories. Implementing VerifyPass allows these businesses to responsibly verify the identity and legal standing of their customers, ensuring compliance with federal and state laws. This not only mitigates the risk of unauthorized transactions but also builds customer confidence by upholding stringent safety standards.

Financial Services
The financial sector, encompassing banks, lending institutions, and insurance companies, can also benefit from CCP verification. For instance, an insurance company offering policies for firearms or personal protection will find VerifyPass invaluable for verifying the eligibility and proper credentialing of their clients. This level of verification ensures that policies are issued to qualified individuals, reducing the risk of fraud and enhancing trust in the provider.

Event Management and Venues
Event organizers and venue managers are increasingly confronted with the challenge of ensuring the safety of participants and attendees. Here, VerifyPass serves as an essential tool for verifying the CCP status of individuals where carrying is permitted, or conversely, ensuring compliance with a no-carry policy. This service is particularly beneficial for events held in sectors with diverse regulations regarding concealed carry, ranging from trade shows to concerts, enhancing security and participant confidence.

Employment and Human Resources
Businesses and organizations looking to enforce or comply with specific workplace policies regarding concealed carry can utilize VerifyPass for employee verification. This is particularly relevant for sectors like security services, transportation, and any field requiring a high level of trust and safety. VerifyPass facilitates the seamless vetting of employees' CCP status, aligning with company policy and legal compliance, while also fostering a safe working environment.

Education and Training Centers
Firearms training centers and educational institutions offering courses on personal safety and defense can integrate VerifyPass to verify the credentials of participants. This ensures that all individuals partaking in such training are legally permitted to carry concealed weapons, thereby maintaining a compliant and secure learning atmosphere.

Online Forums and Communities
Online platforms and communities focusing on firearms, self-defense, and personal protection topics can implement VerifyPass to verify the CCP status of their members. This adds a layer of trust and authenticity to discussions, transactions, and interactions within the community, fostering a safer and more reliable online environment.

Healthcare and Mental Health Services
VerifyPass can also play a crucial role in healthcare settings, particularly in mental health services where understanding a patient's access to firearms may be relevant to their care plan. By verifying a patient's CCP status discreetly, healthcare providers can tailor their approach to ensure both the safety of the patient and the broader community.

The adoption of VerifyPass across these diverse industries highlights the versatility and necessity of concealed carry verification in today’s digital age. Each scenario underscores the importance of establishing a secure, trustworthy relationship between businesses and CCP holders. VerifyPass stands at the intersection of safety, compliance, and innovation, providing a comprehensive solution tailored for the seamless verification of concealed carry permits. The service not only caters to the inherent need for enhanced security measures but also demonstrates a commitment to responsible business practices and customer care. As the landscape of concealed carry continues to evolve, VerifyPass remains a stalwart partner for businesses striving to navigate this terrain with confidence and integrity.